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 Engenharia Ambiental: Pesquisa e Tecnologia > Vol. 12, Nº 2 (2015) Open Journal Systems 


Victória Regina Celso Monteiro, UNICENTRO
Pablo Heleno Sezerino, UFSC
Luiz Sergio Philippi, UFSC

Neste artigo foi avaliada a água cinza gerada uma residência, bem como avaliada aperformancede tratamento deste efluente promovido por um sistema composto por tanque séptico (TS) seguido de wetland construído de escoamento horizontal (WCEH).O sistema foi implantado em uma residência na área rural do município de Palhoça/SC, com início de operação no ano de 2010.O WCEHpossui uma área superficial de 8m² e profundidade útil de 0,7 m. O material filtrante do wetlandé composto por areia grossa (d10 de 0,4mm; d60 de 1,2mm). Determinou-se, ao longo de 2013, a contribuição diária de água cinzagerada empregando-secampanhas de medição direta de vazão e a caracterização qualitativa da água cinza bruta (ACB) e dos efluentes do TS e do WCEH (água cinza tratada). O volume diário de água cinza gerada foi em média 102,3L/d. A ACB se destacoupor apresentar concentrações de DQO e de ortofosfato elevadas, com médias de 1025 mg/L e 62,4 mg/L, respectivamente. Após 4 anos de operação, o WCEH apresentou83%de remoção de DQO, considerando um carregamento orgânico de 12,3 gDQO/m².d, e 74% de remoção para o ortofosfato, além de uma remoção de 94% para sólidos suspensos. Palavras-chave:Águas Cinzas;Tanque Séptico;Wetlands Construídos. CHARACTERIZATION AND TREATMENT OF RESIDENTIAL GREYWATER APPLYING THE ECOTHECNOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS ABSTRACT In this article was evaluated the greywater produced in a single house and also the performance of a greywater treatment system composed by a septic tank (ST) followed by horizontal flow constructed wetland (WCEH). This system has been implemented in one house located at rural zone of Palhoça/SC municipality, starting operation in 2010. WCEHhas 8.0 m2 of superficial area and 0.70 m deep. The filtration material is sand (d10 of 0.4 mm and d60 of 1.2 mm). During 2013, daily greywater production was obtained using direct measurement and also were conducted the qualitative characterization of raw greywater (ACB), ST and WCEH final effluents.Greywater’s daily volume obtained were in average 102.3 L/d.ACB highlighted by great amount of COD and orthophosphate concentrations, with in average 1025 mg/L and 62.4 mg/L, respectively. After 4 year of operation, WCEH showed 83 % of COD removal, considering an organic loading rate of 12.3 gCOD/m2.d, and 74 % of orthophosphate removal. Also it was possible to notice 94 % of suspended solids removal. Keywords:Greywater;Septic Tank;Constructed Wetlands. Palavras-chave:Águas Cinzas;Tanque Séptico;Wetlands Construídos. CHARACTERIZATION AND TREATMENT OF RESIDENTIAL GREYWATER APPLYING THE ECOTHECNOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS ABSTRACT In this article was evaluated the greywater produced in a single house and also the performance of a greywater treatment system composed by a septic tank (ST) followed by horizontal flow constructed wetland (WCEH). This system has been implemented in one house located at rural zone of Palhoça/SC municipality, starting operation in 2010. WCEHhas 8.0 m2 of superficial area and 0.70 m deep. The filtration material is sand (d10 of 0.4 mm and d60 of 1.2 mm). During 2013, daily greywater production was obtained using direct measurement and also were conducted the qualitative characterization of raw greywater (ACB), ST and WCEH final effluents.Greywater’s daily volume obtained were in average 102.3 L/d.ACB highlighted by great amount of COD and orthophosphate concentrations, with in average 1025 mg/L and 62.4 mg/L, respectively. After 4 year of operation, WCEH showed 83 % of COD removal, considering an organic loading rate of 12.3 gCOD/m2.d, and 74 % of orthophosphate removal. Also it was possible to notice 94 % of suspended solids removal. Keywords:Greywater;Septic Tank;Constructed Wetlands.

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Engenharia Ambiental: Pesquisa e Tecnologia.   ISSN: 1809-0664