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 Engenharia Ambiental: Pesquisa e Tecnologia > Vol. 11, Nº 1 (2014) Open Journal Systems 


Fabiana Augusta Santiago Beltrao, UFPB
Patricia Guimarães Beélem, UFPE
Divan Soares da Silva
Romulo Llamoca Zarate, UFPB
SandraElizabeth Santiago Beltrão Santa Cruz, UFPB

O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar o tanino condensado (TC), as concentrações em tanino solúvel (TS), tanino ligado ao resíduo (TL) e tanino total (TT) da maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglazovii Pax & Hoffman), e espécies afins, estas analises foram determinadas pelo método butanol-HCL, e adstringência pelo método de difusão radial. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entres as espécies quanto à concentração e adstringência (P<0,05) dos taninos. O acesso de mandioca apresentou os maiores valores (12,7% TT). A maniçoba apresentou valores baixos (0,9% TT a 5,3% TT) e a pormuncia (10,9% TT). Os valores médios apresentados foram: para a maniçoba de 2,4% TT; para a mandioca de 12,7% TT e para o pormuncia de 10,9% TT. Não houve efeito significativo nas concentrações de TL e adstringência. Os valores observados foram inferiores aos considerados benéficos para a digestão ruminal ao nível de 5 % de probabilidade. Palavras chaves: adstringência, conservação de forragens, forrageiras do semiárido, proantocianidina


The objective of this study was to characterize the condensed tannin (CT), the concentrations of soluble tannin (ST), bound tannin (TL) and total tannin (TT) of (Manihot pseudoglazovii Pax & Hoffman), and related species, these analyzes were determined by butanol-HCL, and astringency radial diffusion method. It was observed differences between species in relation to the concentration and astringency (P <0.05) of tannins. Access cassava had the highest values (12.7% TT). Maniçoba showed low values (0.9% to 5.3% TT TT) and pormuncia (10.9% TT). The average value presented for maniçoba TT was 2.4%; for cassava TT 12.7%; for pormuncia 10.9% TT. There was no effect at concentrations of TL and astringency. The observed values were below those considered beneficial (5%) for ruminal digestion. The objective of this study was to characterize the condensed tannin (CT), the concentrations of soluble tannin (ST), bound tannin (TL) and total tannin (TT) of (Manihot pseudoglazovii Pax & Hoffman), and related species, these analyzes were determined by butanol-HCL, and astringency radial diffusion method. It was observed differences between species in relation to the concentration and astringency (P <0.05) of tannins. Access cassava had the highest values (12.7% TT). Maniçoba showed low values (0.9% to 5.3% TT TT) and pormuncia (10.9% TT). The average value presented for maniçoba TT was 2.4%; for cassava TT 12.7%; for pormuncia 10.9% TT. There was no effect at concentrations of TL and astringency. The observed values were below those considered beneficial (5%) for ruminal digestion. Key words: astringency, fodder conservation, fodder in the semiarid, proanthocyanidin

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Engenharia Ambiental: Pesquisa e Tecnologia.   ISSN: 1809-0664